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Packaging Bottle factory Emploi Plein temps

30 mars 2023 à 2h29   Indépendants & Freelance   Sedrata   221 vues
Détails de l'annonce

Packaging Bottle factory Our History Since 2003, Demei has been trying to become a leader in the cosmetics industry. Demei throughout the years has grown and enjoyed a very good reputation in Europe as well as in USA. Demei always faithfull to its business concept of Full Packaging Services, and focused on Skin care. Demei assist the customers both in the creative stage and in logistics with the maximum attention to all phases, especially those becoming always more delicate, such as quality control. Our Product Glass dropper bottle, oil glass bottle, roll on glass bottle, sprayer glass bottle, freezed dried powder bottle, lotion glass bottle and jar, foundation glass bottle, acrylic dropper bottle, acrylic lotion bottle and jar, double chamber bottle, airless bottle and jar, plastic bottle, bamboo series, injection bottle, makeup. Product Application Cosmetic packaging Our Certificate ISO9001Packaging Bottle factory website:

Description de la société
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